Can a Marriage Survive a MIDLIFE CRISIS?

Can a Marriage Survive a MIDLIFE CRISIS?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

This episode of God, Money & Purpose was recorded live at The Next Level Virtual Leadership Summit 2020. Vivian and Raul Villacis share their insights of over 22 years of marriage. Every relationship evolves over time. Hopefully, the two people in it will grow separately, and together. At each major growth stage, each partner has to alleviate the other’s anxiety that they are not enough.

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Raul has said many times that he went through a tunnel, and went to many self-development coaches to learn what it would take to get through it. Vivian didn’t understand that he was improving himself as a goal, only that he was improving his business skills. Raul barely understood it himself, but he unintentionally left her unsure of where she stood in the relationship. The episode closes with a Q&A session with the virtual audience.

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FEARLESS Short Film: How businessmen create a FEARLESS MINDSET

Short Film: How businessmen create a FEARLESS MINDSET

Podcast - The Daily Edge

How do you create a fearless mindset to become the storm?

It’s easy to stay comfortable. It’s easy to dust yourself off and pat yourself on the back.

But the hard part is what comes next.

2020 was just a taste of what is going to happen in 2021 and beyond.

Now is the time to build the foundation, and double down on yourself.

So you can fight back.

So you can lead.

So you can live your purpose.

The question for you is….are you ready to become the storm?

Are you willing to do what it takes to become the storm?

Are you able to face your pain and become the storm?

If so, click on the link below for an invitation to the Next Level Virtual Leadership Summit 2021, and to find out more about the 100 day challenge to find your next level. 

Click here to learn more about the Next Level Virtual Leadership Summit


(KEYNOTE) Eating Habits for High Performing Leaders | With Doctor Bart Precourt

(KEYNOTE) Eating Habits for High Performing Leaders | With Doctor Bart Precourt

Podcast - The Daily Edge

This video is a keynote given at the Next Level Virtual Leadership Summit 2020. Dr. Bart Precourt outlines what eating habits will will make you a high performing leader. What Dr. Bart offers is not a lose-inches-in-hours plan, or even necessarily a “diet” plan at all. It’s a way to reprogram how you think about what you are doing to keep the machine that is your body fueled and lubed.

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It’s not what you do that will make the difference, it’s who you are: If you’re Follower Fred, you’ll make excuses; if you’re Mediocre Mike you’ll go half way. But if you’re Harry the Hero, you’ll go all in, no excuses, and do what it takes to get your health to the next level.


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5 Strategies to Implement in 2021 (Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail)

5 Strategies to Implement in 2021 (Why New Year's Resolutions Fail)

Podcast - The Daily Edge

It may sound hard to believe, but for many of you reading this 2020 was a gift. 2020 was either the best year ever or the worst, and there’s no in between. Because 2020 hit us harder than many of us had ever been hit before. And you can’t grow without pain.

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In this video you’ll learn my top 5 Strategies to implement in the new year and make new year’s resolutions last.

1- Measure your R.O.E over your R.O.I 

2- Get CLEAR on what BASE HITS are vs. HOME RUNS. 


4- Get around people who will NOT let you PLAY SMALL. 

5- Focus on where you are GOING, not where you HAVE BEEN.

The moment you surrender to how things are instead of arguing with reality because you want things to be the way they were, you’re going to start appreciating the level you’re at right now. When you appreciate where you are, God will open the door to get to the next level. But the hard part is realizing that you already have everything you need.


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Raul Villacis: Finding Certainty in the Middle of Chaos

Raul Villacis: Finding Certainty in the Middle of Chaos

Podcast - The Daily Edge

The last year has been a crazy ride.

On Thanksgiving, my father, the man who taught me to be a man, passed away of a heart attack.

Full Keynote:

I was in the emergency room watching him fight for his life, and he fought harder than I ever thought possible. But then he gave me the most important lesson he’s taught me: When to stop fighting and let God take control.

And then in March, I put on The Next Level Leadership Summit on the same day that New York began the lockdown. There was a feeling in the air of uncertainty. Then, I got sick with COVID. Then my wife got sick. As I fought for my life, I realized that the world needs certainty. We, as humans, can tolerate pain, but we can’t deal with uncertainty. Certainty is the new currency. For the last six months, I’ve been helping my clients lead with certainty and power when most people are afraid to make a move.

2020 has punched everyone in the face, but if you have CERTAINTY, and you have CLARITY on your WHY, you will get up and keep moving forward when everyone else is hoping and wishing for someone to pick them up. Raul Villacis is an entrepreneur, investor, author and speaker. He’s the CEO of Next Level Experience an Entrepreneurs Mastermind Coaching and Mindset Program. (Personal Development and Mindset Coaching and consulting) Over the years Raul worked with some of the biggest names in personal development coaching, marketing, and real estate.

Raul Villacis has started a global wave of male re-empowerment. As an entrepreneur and a man who believes in the power of family, Raul knows the difficulties men face as they try to find balance in being business leaders, family men and role models. He knows what it’s like to pursue balance while trying to find strategies to boost life to the next level. His determination and drive are fueled by an overwhelming desire to bring about tangible change.

Click here to learn more about the Next Level Virtual Leadership Summit


Learning to appreciate the gifts

Learning to appreciate the gifts

On this abbreviated episode of God, Money & Purpose, Vivian and Raul reflect on what is a gift. In years past, Raul would scrimp and save for weeks to save up for baubles and bags to give his wife, but now he realized the biggest gift he can give is his time and energy. What’s more, it’s not enough to give gifts one day a year, but you have to give gifts, both material and immaterial, every day of the year. But, it’s not enough to give gifts, you have to know how to receive gifts. Again, not just material gifts, but immaterial gifts as well. 

Podcast - The Daily Edge
Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

God is giving you gifts every day, but you must have the mindset of abundance and gratitude to see them: the gifts of health, family, opportunity, and yes, even pain. Pain can be a gift because it makes you see where you need to level up in life. Your life is a mirror of your values: the more you give, the more you have. Happy holidays from Raul and Vivian Villacis.

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