Tyson VS. Jones: 5 Lessons men can learn from Mike Tyson’s comeback

Podcast - The Daily Edge

On November 28, Mike Tyson stepped into the ring for the first time in fifteen years to face Roy Jones, Jr. in an exhibition match. Although he had suffered a humiliating defeat against journeyman fighter Kevin McBride in his last match, Tyson’s biggest opponent was himself. For years, his biggest fear was letting the dark warrior within him take over. He intentionally sedated himself and gained weight. He refused to even pick up the gloves to train in the gym. But at some point in the last few years, he faced his pain.

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When Tyson faced his pain, something magical happened. He stopped fighting for himself and started fighting for others. He lost 100 pounds and got in better shape than most people half his age. He entered the ring a warrior, and left the ring a King.

No matter what your age, it’s never too late to start over. It’s never too late to unlock your code to the edge. It’s never too late to get into the best shape of your life and fight the hardest battles, because the hardest battles have the sweetest victories. 


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