5 Ways to Choose Your Enemies Wisely: Lessons from Patrick Bet-David’s New Book

A worthy enemy will sharpen your EDGE.

A worthy enemy will help you raise your standard.

We all have enemies in life.

If you don’t have any enemies, it’s a sign that you aren’t working hard enough. A worthy enemy can bring out the best in you.

At the same time, the wrong enemy can drain your energy. You could be spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere if you waste your energy fighting the wrong enemy.

Patrick Bet-David’s new book, Choose Your Enemies Wisely, is a deep dive on what you, and every entrepreneur, should do to choose the right enemy to motivate you to develop the discipline and habits it takes to, as PBD always says, out-work, out-improve, out-strategize and out-last your enemies.

This episode is a summary and review of that book and I will give you 5 actionable tips to find the right enemy for you where you are in your life.

This episode is a call to action: to find your mission, to embrace the challenges that come with it, and continuously sharpen your skills in the pursuit of excellence. It’s about choosing your enemies wisely and using them as a catalyst for growth, ensuring you’re always playing to win, not just to avoid losing.

Click here to watch this episode of The Weekly Edge to learn more about how you can choose the right enemy, and I’ll share my personal enemy, so you can understand the enemy is more than just other companies or people who are your direct competition.

And be sure to pick up Patrick Bet-David’s new book, available at chooseyourenemieswisely.com. If you’ve read it, don’t forget to leave questions or share your enemies in the comment section.


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