Steven Kotler: How to enter flow state (Daily EDGE: emotional intelligence podcast)

Podcast - The Daily Edge

How do you get into flow consistently? This is the question that Steven Kotler and his writing partner, Jamie Wheal, first asked in Rise of the Superman, and continued to explore in Stealing Fire. Steven sits down with Raul Villacis to discuss what inspired him to study flow, and what he’s learned.

You can explore these different sides of yourself if you have a partner who is accepting of who you are and is able to communicate his or her needs.

By watching this episode, you’ll learn how to tap into the different sides of yourself and make a deeper connection than you’ve ever had before.

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Anger, Sadness, and Hope. The Message of The Sound of Freedom

In this episode of The GMS Podcast, we are talking about a very heavy topic today. We are discussing the movie The Sound of Freedom, which is a movie about child sex trafficking. This is a very popular movie, which surprised many, given its intense subject matter. Raul and Vivian were, like everyone who saw it, touched by the message of this true story about Tim Ballard, who founded Operation Underground Railroad, and how he went from arresting predators to saving children directly. While it may seem hopeless at first to fight such evil in the world, there are things you can do. You can support anti-trafficking organizations, and separately, you can protect your daughters and teach your sons

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Can a Marriage Survive a MIDLIFE CRISIS?

This episode of God, Money & Purpose was recorded live at The Next Level Virtual Leadership Summit 2020. Vivian and Raul Villacis share their insights of over 22 years of marriage. Every relationship evolves over time. Hopefully, the two people in it will grow separately, and together. At each major growth stage, each partner has to alleviate the other’s anxiety that they are not enough.

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