Response to Ninja Tweet about Weak Mindset | Are you playing the game to WIN or just to not LOSE?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

Should you be angry when you lose? This is the central question that was raised when professional e-sports player Tyler “Ninja” Blevins tweeted that if you don’t get angry when you lose, you lose twice. Do you think he’s right? Can you lose and still be a good sport? Can you have a healthy drive to win and not explode when you lose? Can you learn if you never lose?

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Liver King or Lyin’ King? Exposing the LIES and Analyzing the Apology of the Liver King

On this episode of the King’s Code Podcast, Raul reacts to the Liver King apology video. Brian Johnson, the Liver King, has been a social media sensation for his He-Man like physique and for advocating the “Ancestral Tenents,” including eating raw liver. With a body like that, he was accused many times of using performance-enhancing drugs, which he flatly denied every time. But recently, his personal emails admitting to steroid use were leaked to YouTuber More Plates More Dates, and he was exposed. The Liver King was pretty much forced to do an apology video. On this episode, Raul rates whether he thinks that The Liver King is sincere in his apology. Nobody is perfect, nobody has been 100% honest with themselves and other people for their whole lives. When the truth comes out, what can you do to take responsibility? Raul gives his take on what we can learn when owning up to our mistakes.

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Why Are Women so ANGRY!?

Are women (and girls) more angry today than they were 10 years ago? According to trends in Gallop polls, they are. Why is this happening? On this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian endeavor to find out why. Our take on it is that women are pushed to embrace the masculine side by hustle culture, and the problem is exacerbated by attracting weak men with that masculine energy. As a result, women have more and more responsibility on their shoulders, and don’t get to tap into that more feminine energy inside them. That leads to frustration and a feeling of hopelessness. What can women do to embrace their feminine energy in a demanding world? And what can men do to support them? Watch this episode to find out.

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