You’ve Broken Your New Year’s Resolution Already

Podcast - The Daily Edge

If you haven’t made the changes you want to make in your life, what makes you think that an arbitrary date in the calendar will make any difference?

And quite frankly, how do you intend to stick with your changes for 365 days? What’s your plan?

I don’t make resolutions every year. Instead, I break my year down into 100-day chunks. I set the intention for the next 100 days, and I review whether I’ve hit my goals for the previous 100. And then I see where I can do better in the future. 

I call this living 100 days at a time. And anyone can do this.

When you live 100 days at a time, you will expand and grow exponentially. When you give yourself a deadline that is doable instead of procrastinating, you get shit done. 

Here is what you must do to compound time instead of making new year’s resolutions:

1- Get clear on the vision
What are the 3 musts you must accomplish? Don’t overcomplicate things; have three achievable goals and work on them. You may want to accomplish many things in the years to come, but don’t focus on them. Adapt, adjust and execute as you progress. Don’t have a dream, have an action plan.

This is a daily habit; track your progress daily. Consistency creates clarity. If you’re not doing this every day, whenever a challenge comes along, it will take you off course. Every day, the old version of you dies, and a new version of you is born. Become disciplined to let go of the shit that doesn’t serve you. Give yourself permission to rise from your challenges.

Your vision will continue to expand as you grow. You’re not the same man you were 100 days ago. You’re not the same person you were a year ago.

2- Focus on WHO
In order to compound time, you need to know who you need to become and who do you need to attract into your life. There is what you want and what you need. Sometimes you need somebody to help you expand. The people who challenge you the most are what you may need right now to help you grow. Knowing the difference between what you want and what you need is the key to accomplishing your vision. God may give you what you need, not what you want.

3- Find leverage
Once you accomplish certain things, you get comfortable, and then you drop your guard. When the odds are against you, the answer to these questions will pull you through:
   -Why must I find a way?
It has to be a must, it can’t be a maybe.
   -Who will be impacted if I don’t?
Who will suffer if I don’t find a way out of this situation?
If you don’t know the answers and you feel stuck, ask yourself what you must do to find the answers. You need to remind yourself daily. This will be the fuel you need to overcome your fear. The HOW will reveal itself if you know the WHY and WHO.

4- Do something today
The actions that you take today are going to create your reality tomorrow. The biggest lie that we tell ourselves is that we will find time tomorrow. What must you do TODAY to get closer to the ultimate vision? We say we will find time tomorrow to avoid taking action. The mind wants to make you think that in order to take action, you have to feel like doing it. Fuck your feelings. Just do the work. Do it even if you don’t feel like it. Don’t become a slave to your feelings. You are not your thoughts, feelings, or emotions; you are the awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. don’t wait for the perfect moment; just take action.

5- Own your experience.
Don’t blame someone else. You are the only one responsible for your experience. Not the government, not your wife, your kids, your customers… it’s all on you. Don’t let anyone’s opinion rob you from making your vision a reality. The only one who can stop you is you.

6- Focus on impact
Don’t focus on income. Income is based on impact. The bigger your vision, the bigger the impact…the bigger the impact, the bigger the struggle. If you want to make more money, you have to create a bigger impact. If you want to create a bigger impact you need to create a bigger vision. The bigger the vision, the bigger the struggle.

You have to get stronger in order to overcome those challenges. Nothing worthwhile is going to be easy. There will always be a price, and you must pay the price daily. Most people will never put in the work to realize their vision. They are afraid of failing, or of being judged. Let the fear of not trying be greater than the fear of failure.

Turn your vision into a mission. Unless you have a vision, you only have a dream. If you have a dream, you are only thinking about it, not acting on it. If you have a mission you are going to make it happen. Instead of focusing on how to make 2022 your best year ever, start right now on how you can do more in 100 days than you’ve done in the previous 265.

When you focus on who you need to bring into your life, who will be impacted if you don’t succeed, and who you need to become in order to realize your vision, you can turn that vision into a reality.

If you want to learn how to unlock your own unique King’s code and find the certainty within yourself to not be distracted by life, click here to buy my new book, The King’s Code.


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