Anger, Sadness, and Hope. The Message of The Sound of Freedom

On this episode of God, Money & Sex, we are talking about a very heavy topic today. We are discussing the movie The Sound of Freedom, which is a movie about child sex trafficking. This is a very popular movie, which surprised many, given its intense subject matter. Raul and Vivian were, like everyone who saw it, touched by the message of this true story about Tim Ballard, who founded Operation Underground Railroad, and how he went from arresting predators to saving children directly. While it may seem hopeless at first to fight such evil in the world, there are things you can do. You can support anti-trafficking organizations, and you can protect your daughters and teach your sons. This is an episode that may make you angry, but you should watch this episode, and watch the movie in theaters.

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Breaking Mental Health Stigma as a father.

In this episode of The King’s Code, we sit down with entrepreneur and father Bobby Manley to discuss the importance of fathers taking an active role in supporting their children’s mental health. Bobby shares his personal experiences navigating mental health challenges with his own children, and offers insights and advice for other dads who may be struggling to support their kids in this area. We explore topics such as breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, the impact of fatherly support on children’s well-being, and practical strategies for promoting mental wellness in the home. Join us for an inspiring and informative conversation about fatherhood and mental health.

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The 4 Biggest Lies That Hold You Back

You want to go to the next level.

That’s a great first step.

You see where you need improvement. You start to change your behavior. You start to take risks in your business.

But then…

The risks don’t pay off.

And your behavior starts to slide back to how it was before.

And you haven’t levelled up, no matter how hard you’ve tried.

But here’s the thing: You’re sabotaging yourself without knowing it.

You haven’t done what you think you’ve done.

Every time we want to go to the next level, a little voice in our head stops us.

It’s an unconscious pattern.

And the first step to stopping those patterns is to recognize them.

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