How to Prevent Fights on Valentine’s Day

The video features Vivian and Raul hosting their podcast, discussing the importance of not just focusing on Valentine’s Day for showing love and appreciation in a relationship but emphasizing consistent effort throughout the year.

They talk about the societal pressure surrounding Valentine’s Day and how it can lead to unrealistic expectations.

The conversation covers topics like communication, understanding love languages, planning ahead for Valentine’s Day, and the significance of meaningful gestures over material gifts.

They share personal experiences and advice on how to enhance relationships, stressing the importance of attention, appreciation, and understanding each other’s needs.

The discussion also touches on the concept of sexual blueprints, the importance of playful and fun elements in a relationship, and the value of direct communication to resolve issues and misunderstandings.

Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

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How to Use Stress as Feedback to Grow and Expand

Stress is the number 1 killer in the United States. Why is it so dangerous? Because our bodies are designed to face physical threats like saber-tooth tigers and mastodons, and stress releases chemicals into our bodies to induce action. We were not designed to have mental stress and a sedentary lifestyle.

There are 3 responses to stress today: Deflect it, manage it, or use it. Deflecting stress means hiding from it. Pretending it’s not real and hoping it goes away. Managing stress means sedating yourself with drugs and alcohol. It means not feeling stress by numbing it. And using it means using stress as feedback for where you need to grow. Watch this video to learn how to use stress as feedback to grow.

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5 ways to know if you’ve been called to lead

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Watch this episode to learn the five signs that you’re destined for leadership, which are the relentless pursuit of growth, the power of intuition, the significance of legacy over instant gratification, the courage to embrace the unknown, and the profound question, “If not you, then who?” If you want to become a leader, watch this video to learn what it truly means to lead and use it as an opportunity to examine your own leadership style.

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Mark Jennison tells you how to COME BACK from addiction and claim your power!

Let me share a startling statistic:

Alcoholics Anonymous has, at best, a 50% success rate. And of the 50% who never drink again, half of them relapse an average of five times along the way. 

There has to be a better way, right?

Mark Jennison sure thought so. 

He went from a lifetime of negativity, starting from his childhood, to a successful business helping other men by focusing on taking back his own power rather than admitting you were powerless to stop addiction.

His method has a 97% success rate. It may not be for everyone, but it works a lot better than the method that “everyone” uses.

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