Are you being distracted from your purpose?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

This morning I did my daily ritual on my back porch, and as I was trying to meditate, there were garbage trucks making a lot of noise.

At first, I was triggered. It took me out of my flow, and I was considering going inside.

But then I realized that life will always distract you and try to take you out of flow.

How many times are you letting distractions from the OUTSIDE affect your INSIDE world.

There will always be distractions.

There will always be people who want to take you off the path you want to go on.

MASTERY is all about quieting the noise around you.

Mastery is about focusing on what you’re doing rather than letting the chaos around you distract you.

Ask yourself, what’s the noise you need to block out? What distractions are trying to knock you off your path?

Focus on the work, focus on getting results, focus on what you know you can control, rather than be distracted by things you can’t control.

At the end of the day, mastery is clarity.

Mastery is learning to cut through the noise.

Mastery is focusing on taking the right actions.

Instead of getting triggered, ask yourself what are the distractions you need to let go of.

The key to mastery is knowing who you are on the inside, so you don’t get distracted by the outside world.

That’s what Kings do. That’s what leaders do. That’s what you have to do to get to the next level.

If you want to learn how to unlock your own unique King’s code and find the certainty within yourself to not be distracted by life, click here to buy my new book, The King’s Code.


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