4 things you need as a Businessman to optimize during the Recession

4 things you need as a Businessman to optimize during the Recession

There is good news and bad news in moments of crisis. The bad news is that NO ONE is coming to save you! The good news is that high achievers wouldn’t want it any other way.

When people are having good times, they think that they will always be winners. But a tough time will punch them in the face. That’s why some men turn from winners into whiners.

In moments of crisis, the majority of people will turn into victims. It is crucial for a man to give himself permission to win. He can save himself when he accepts that no one is coming to save him.

4 steps to make sure you WIN in times of crisis.
1- Stop complaining.

Most men are complaining and waiting to be saved. There is no upside in spending energy complaining about your situation. Nobody gives a shit about your complaining!

Turn your complaint into a reason to take action. Instead of complaining and wondering why is this happening to you, ask what God is trying to tell you. If you don’t like your situation, what can you do to make it better? Life is always whispering. If you don’t listen to the whispers, you will hear the screams.

2- Take extreme ownership
You are the problem and the solution. Extreme ownership means everything is your responsibility. When you have nobody to blame, you will take a look in the mirror to see what you need to change. When bad things happen, they often happen because you were complacent. You didn’t prepare for the situation. You didn’t keep improving yourself. You let failure creep up on you.

3- Sharpen your skills
In good times, people will settle for good enough; in hard times it pays to be a specialist. You have to spend time with the A-players in your organization because people will only do what they see you do. Average producers are looking to be saved, big producers are looking to seize the opportunity. Average producers will not make it.

4- Double down on yourself
Taking care of yourself is not selfish, it’s smart. The main thing that saved my business in the 2008 recession was that I double down on myself. If the king doesn’t rise, everyone pays the price. Invest time, energy and money to reset, recharge, and recommit. Recommit to your WHY.
If you don’t believe you are worth it, you won’t’ win. Your belief system must be a priority. You must believe without a shadow of a doubt that you have everything you need to win. Nothing that gets in your way will stop you.

Stop complaining because nobody gives a fuck about how hard you have it.
Take extreme ownership of the situation because no one else can do it for you.
Sharpen your skills to add more value to the marketplace
Double down on yourself and become undeniable.

Who you become in the next 2 years is going to set you up for decades. But you have to believe that this is what you were made for. The battle has to be exciting for you. In this moment of crisis, you will shine the light in the darkness.


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The (real) reason why you’re stuck

The (real) reason why you’re stuck

You’ve heard that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I believe the definition of insanity is actually KNOWING WHAT TO DO and NOT DOING IT!

I talk to men every day who are stuck. They say, “I know what I have to do. I know I have to level up. But for some reason I just don’t.”

The reason you’re STUCK is because you’re COMFORTABLE.

There isn’t enough PAIN in order to push you to get things done.

How do you overcome being comfortable? You ask yourself who will suffer if you don’t do what you NEED to do? Who will pay the price if you aren’t willing to get uncomfortable?

If you’re only thinking about yourself, you’re always going to be comfortable. Or, to be more specific, if you’re only thinking about YOURSELF in this moment, you’re going to be comfortable.

The moment you take your eyes off yourself, and realize that your lack of discipline, consistency, and action is going to be what makes someone else suffer. 

Every day, you have 2 choices:

You can stay in the same place…

Or you can do what you KNOW you NEED to do and EXPAND

You can say you don’t have time, or energy, or training to level up.

But that’s just a lie you tell yourself.

Because the TRUTH is that you’re AFRAID.

AFRAID to be uncomfortable. 

You tell yourself that it’s not that bad. Things are comfortable, there’s no need to change them.

Then life does what it always does… life PUNCHES YOU IN THE FACE and you take action immediately.

Why wait? Why wait until life punches you in the face and instead why don’t you strike first?

Don’t wait until pain comes into your life. Don’t wait until your wife asks for a divorce, or the bills get so high you can’t pay them, or the doctor tells you something you never want to hear, or you feel empty without purpose… take action NOW!

Dig the well before you’re thirsty.

Put in the work before you need to. That’s the secret to sharpening your EDGE is to not wait until you lose the edge.

Mastery requires discipline. To put in the work when you don’t need to. To sharpen your edge when you don’t you need to.

Do something today that takes you out of your comfort zone.

Push yourself in your business, your marriage, your fitness, or your connection with God.

Whatever you do today, you ALREADY KNOW what you have to do…do MORE of it today than you did yesterday.

Sharpen your edge. Don’t stay comfortable. Get 1% better every day.

Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. You can’t control anyone else.

Your only competition is YOU vs. YOU. 

Who you were YESTERDAY vs. who you will be TOMORROW.

Life is always going to give you what you need TODAY to be better tomorrow.

If this message resonates with you, then you need to subscribe to my audio Daily Edge podcast. Click on this link to have a 2-4 minute inspirational, actionable message from me sent to your phone 7 days a week. This podcast completely free, with no ads, because I want to give back to the community every day. Click here to subscribe, or click here to subscribe by text or on Soundcloud & iTunes, or here to subscribe on Spotify.

How to Stop Negative Self-Talk

How to Stop Negative Self-Talk

The mind has a habit of always seeing the negative.

It sees the ways you’ve failed, all the things you don’t have, all the reasons why you aren’t enough.

I get asked, “How do I break the habit of negative thinking?”

Here is what I say:

Have you ever been to a funeral?

We all have.

When a person gives a eulogy, they talk about all the great things the person has done in their lives.

People remember the good, not the bad, once you’re dead.

Every day, I believe you should have a funeral for the man you once were. Every day, you can do the daily ritual to R.I.P the man you were yesterday, so you can focus on the positive and learn the lessons to become the person you need to become today.

There is zero upside in focusing on the failures.

Every day, you have to be reborn.
Every day, you have to focus on who you are becoming and let go of the man you were yesterday.

Pay attention to your negative self-talk.
Are you focusing on the things you wish you had, wish you did, and wish you didn’t do? Or are you focusing on who you are becoming in this process?

Who do you have to become to live with purpose, lead with power, and create an impact?

The version of you right now may not have the capacity…but who you are becoming has all the capacity you need to fulfill your mission on this earth.

Knowing that we’re our worst critics, we have to learn to let go, stop the negative self-talk, and begin to speak life into our vision.

Let go of what doesn’t serve you and focus on who you’re becoming.

Go to KingsCodeBook.com to buy my book and learn how to get THE EDGE

How to multiply your results so 1+1 can equal 1,000

How to multiply your results so 1+1 can equal 1,000

The most valuable asset we have is time. Everything we do needs to maximize and compound time. The problem is that we spend most of our time adding. If we add 1 + 1, it will always equal 2.

But, when you multiply your output, 1 + 1 can equal 1,000.

The average man is looking to ADD. Focus on MULTIPLYING. If you want to grow exponentially, There are 4 multipliers leaders that need to focus on:

1- Leadership Development 

2- Culture

3- Vision

4- Recruiting

Every time you think of only yourself and you want to add, you’re limited.

When you multiply, there is no limit on your potential. 

Click on the link below to learn exactly what you must do to add exponential growth to your organization when everyone else is trying to keep from losing what they have.


Go to KingsCodeBook.com to buy my book and learn how to get THE EDGE
and go to NextLevelLeadershipSummit.com to register for our next live/streaming event.


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join my text community by sending a message to: (203) 405 – 9199

How to find opportunity in the middle of a crisis

Never Count Yourself Out

John Barriga was filled with uncertainty. COVID had ruined his business, it affected his marriage, and he didn’t know where to turn.

So he turned to me. He joined The Edge Program and changed everything

He started a new janitorial business and wasn’t afraid to suit up and get his hands dirty. From there, he started doing COVID testing and did hundreds of thousands of tests.

The lesson there is to never give up. There is always an opportunity in the storm, if you have the ability to see it.

Hard work and dedication pay off.

Just as importantly, having a community of men who will bring you up is what makes the difference between seeing the opportunity and being stuck in the chaos.

Watch Episode 6 of The King’s Code to hear how John Barriga got his EDGE back

Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

Go to KingsCodeBook.com to buy my book and learn how to get THE EDGE
and go to NextLevelLeadershipSummit.com to register for our next live/streaming event.


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Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: What Went Wrong?

Fear And Loathing in Johnny & Amber’s Marriage

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard ended their tumultuous relationship with a lawsuit. Each sued the other for defamation and the trial aired their dirty laundry for the world to see. 

What went wrong? 

Put simply, everything. He was toxic.  She was toxic.  Each tried to manipulate the other. Each fought to win instead of fighting for the relationship to work, and neither would walk away even though it was obvious even before they were married that the relationship wasn’t healthy. 

In this informative episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian Villacis take a no-bullshit look at what went wrong in their relationship and what you can learn from their mistakes.

Watch this episode to learn how you can take ownership of your own relationship, good or bad, and make your life better by being honest with yourself and your wife.

Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

Go to KingsCodeBook.com to buy my book and learn how to get THE EDGE
and go to NextLevelLeadershipSummit.com to register for our next live/streaming event.


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