SHORT FILM: Leaders were born for times like these | Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders

SHORT FILM: Leaders were born for times like these | Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders

It’s moments of CHAOS when LEADERS SHOW UP! We just completed the Next Level Leadership Summit. We talked about how to deal with the current situation and what we can do to be part of the solution. You can’t fight FEAR with FEAR. The world needs LEADERS to step up their game. Moments like these define our character. Panic and Fear won’t solve the problem. Now is the time to strengthen your faith and your body to fight FEAR. This is the STORM we have been preparing for! Now is the time to stay strong and not panic. This will not last forever and we will come out stronger.

Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders.

Go to to see if you have what it takes to get to the Next Level

How Do You Face The Death of a Loved One Together?

How Do You Face The Death of a Loved One Together?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

The death of Raul’s father, “Papi” Raul. Papi Raul had lived with muscular dystrophy for twenty years, and was told he would likely die young. At the age of 54, Papi Raul suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital over Thanksgiving weekend. Papi Raul’s heart stopped beating and started again over 15 times in the emergency room, something the doctors there had never seen before. But, although he had his entire family cheering him on, and his wife literally begging him not to go, Papi Raul taught Raul his final lesson: Fight as hard as you can, but know when it’s time to finally give up.

On this episode, Raul and Vivian talk about their experience saying goodbye to Papi Raul, and looking back fondly on the impact he made in the lives of those around him. Raul lets the audience in on how the pain of his father’s loss has already made him stronger, and how he plans to deal with that pain for the rest of his life.

If you have questions for Raul and Vivian to discuss on an upcoming episode, email Thank you for your kind support in this difficult time.

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Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment

Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment: How to achieve a higher level of consciousness

Podcast - The Daily Edge

There are stages of life that we measure chronologically. This Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment video explains the stages of life that are your levels of consciousness. The levels of consciousness closely resemble Mazlow’s hierarchy of needs. But the biggest distinction in this lesson is that it focuses not on the needs themselves, but how you experience them and how you, through your own actions, move yourself up this ladder.


0:00 Intro. These are the Levels of Consciousness

1:04 The first level is survival. This is when you’re just trying to make it through the day. Pain takes you to the next level.

2:31 Discovery is when you try different methods to see what works. This is when you start improving yourself. You do this by taking ownership of your situation in life and seeing where you can improve.

3:12 The transformation stage is the most exciting stage, but it’s also the most dangerous.
Because you can end up going in circles by learning without executing. It’s easy to hide behind the excuse that you’re waiting to learn more or waiting for the perfect moment.

4:30 How and why do we sedate our pain through each of these three stages of consciousness? In each stage of consciousness, the pain of staying in that level becomes less and less, and so the pain necessary to get to the next level has to be greater for you to feel it.

7:40 In the awakening stage, you take full ownership of your situation. This is where you can live your purpose. This stage can mean you feel your pain more clearly than before, but it also means you can find the gift in the pain and use it as fuel.

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KEYNOTE | How to protect against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) with Dr. Bart Precourt

(KEYNOTE) How to protect against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) with Dr. Bart Precourt

Podcast - The Daily Edge

Prepare your MIND and your BODY to fight the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) At the Leadership Summit we had Dr.Bart Precourt give a keynote on how to prepare our BODY to fight the virus. First know that our leadership skills will be tested. With all the fear that will be around us.. our job is to LEAD!… And know with absolute certainty.. that WE WERE BUILT FOR THIS!!

This post will include strategies for lifestyle, nutrients and lifestyle.


  1. Get plenty of Sleep. We heal and rejuvenate when we sleep. 
  2. Eat clean. “Gods Garden” Viruses like it when we consume sugar and carbs. 
  3. Consume AVC. Apple cider vinegar.  This helps acidify your gut. Your “gut” is your most important line of defense. 
  4. Wash hands thoroughly. Frequently. 

Try not to touch face and mouth w hands (Good luck.. just did this 7 times) 


Below will be a link to where I get my supplements.. with the exact names and doses.

Some herbs and vitamins are already on back order due to demand so I’ve provided multiple options.

  1. Cataplex  D. 3-3x day 
  2. AC. 3-3x Day (Vit a and c)
  3. Andrographis  complex or Astragalus complex 2-3x day (this is echinacea product)
  4. Thymex. 3-3x day. (Promotes white blood cell production)
  5. Congaplex  (on back order .. yet order!.. this is brilliant immune product)  

If you want additional and or advanced strategies reach out to me and I will give additional strategies I use personally. 

You don’t have to order the above products I just suggest as they are some of the worlds finest. 

If have your own or getting elsewhere this is your minimum list. 

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Echinacea 

Get ready to fight this.The best is yet to come !

Follow Dr Bart Precourt:

Facebook | Instagram | Youtube 


We’d love to hear your feedback, join my text community by sending a message to: (203) 405 – 9199

How to resolve conflict and accept criticism in your relationship

How to resolve conflict and accept criticism in your relationship

On this episode of the God, Money & Sex Podcast, Raul and Vivian discuss an issue that every relationship faces at some point: how to resolve conflict and accept criticism. You can’t have a successful relationship without having different views and learning how to both express and accept those different views.

A common problem when a conflict arises is that one partner fights and the other flees, and instead of resolving the issue, he or she builds resentment and acts out in some passive-aggressive manner later. In some cases, both partners may flee the situation and both build up that resentment.

Raul and Vivian discuss three ways to resolve conflicts. The first is to not take what your partner says personally. In order to receive criticism, you must be able to separate that the feedback your partner is giving you is criticizing the action you are taking, not you as a person. How you choose to phrase your point makes a big difference. Your tone of voice, even the name you choose to call the other person (e.g., “Abby or Abigal) can make a huge difference.

How to Improve marriage Sex

How to Improve
marriage Sex

On this episode of God, Money & Sex, Vivian and Raul give you a peek into their bedroom as they reveal the secret to the best sex in your life: Having a great connection with your partner.
The best way to have a great connection with your partner is to start by being in touch with the different personalities within yourself.

The side of yourself that you choose to show someone else is your persona. At the office, you can have the dark warrior persona, at the dinner table, you can have the King and Queen persona or the Mother and Father persona. In the bedroom, you can have many personas, from the temptress who takes charge to the schoolgirl who approaches cautiously then lets go of her inhibitions and immerses herself in the moment.

You can explore these different sides of yourself if you have a partner who is accepting of who you are and is able to communicate his or her needs.

By watching this episode, you’ll learn how to tap into the different sides of yourself and make a deeper connection than you’ve ever had before.