(Training) How to create a Daily ritual to

In life, you always get more of what you focus on. What are you focusing on? Are you even aware of it? This is the question that too many men can’t...

What makes a good relationship?

After several months off, Vivian and I have begun the new season of God Money & Purpose. On this show, we give our unique perspective on how to become...

The 5 steps to continue to grow

The mind is like a rubber band: you can stretch it but it will always come back to where it feels most comfortable. We have to be present to that...

Stop the Self-Sabotage and Succeed in 2022

Anyone can be excited for the beginning of a new journey. It’s easy to do the work when you feel like doing it. But I hear all the time, “Raul, I’m...

You’ve Broken Your New Year’s Resolution

If you haven’t made the changes you want to make in your life, what makes you think that an arbitrary date in the calendar will make any...

how to develop the mindset it takes to overcome

Anyone can start somethingWhat separates those who are winning in life from those who are just getting by is the commitment to FINISH. Most people...