What We Learn From Being Teachers

What We Learn From Being Teachers

On this episode of the God, Money & Purpose Podcast, Vivian just finished her 6 Day Challenge to Ignite Your Passion, and Raul is about to start his 7 Day Challenge to Get Your Edge Back.

These week-long challenges help women and men, respectively, get in touch with their best selves that in some cases has become dormant, leaving them feeling empty inside. Working with a group can lead to much better results than trying to help yourself.

Podcast - The Daily Edge
Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

Being a group setting can help you realize that things that other people realize are true about themselves are also the case for you. It can also help you to be in an atmosphere where everyone wants to do the work, and it’s easier to motivate yourself in that energy-rich setting. Vivian and Raul are going to take the lessons from these challenges and incorporate them into a future workshop for couples. Watch the entire video and be sure to like, subscribe, and click the bell.

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What Does Certainty Mean in a Marriage?

What Does Certainty Mean in a Marriage?

On this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian Villacis reflect on what certainty means. As Raul always says, certainty is not knowing the answers, it’s knowing you’ll do whatever it takes to get them. Many businessmen have certainty in their business, but no clue to have certainty at home. Their wives end up resenting them for spending all that time in the office and not spending time with them and being emotionally present when they are together

Podcast - The Daily Edge
Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

So they become pleasers, which ultimately makes their wives reset them even more for not giving them the male polarity and the certainty they need to feel safe and taken care of. The conversation continues with an examination of what certainty means in the context of faith in God, and how to love yourself and each other in the way that God and Jesus intends you to.

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Rituals and Routines

Rituals and Routines

On this episode, Vivian and Raul talk about rituals and routines. Life won’t give you want you want, it will give you what you’re committed to. In a relationship, you have to show up for each other consistently. Not every night is going to be a spectacular date night, often things are quite ordinary. But love is something you do, and in different ways.

Podcast - The Daily Edge
Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

You have to make time for your partner, and you have to do things that put each other in a “together” headspace. Everything that is worthwhile is not going to be easy. But easy doesn’t mean complicated. Show up consistently, put your time and money into a relationship, and it will grow. You can pay the price with time, or with money, or with regret.

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What You Can Do To Save Your Marriage?

What You Can Do To Save Your Marriage?

On this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian Villacis discuss what their takeaway was from the interview that Oprah did with Prince Harry and Dutchess Meghan. As a quick refresher, Meghan, formerly an actress, is American and bi-racial, which caused a lot of conflict between Harry and the rest of the royal family. Harry, who had to grow up without his mother, Princess Diana, decided that the best way to protect his family was to cut ties with the royal family and live a relatively private life. The two had to essentially start their lives over, with each other for support.

Podcast - The Daily Edge
Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

This is a situation that Raul and Vivian can relate to, as when they were first married, they sold many of their belongings and moved into a house together. To see the other takeaways, be sure to watch this episode of God, Money & Purpose

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How to diffuse bombs in a relationship

How to diffuse bombs in a relationship

On this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian address an issue that comes up in every long term relationship: How to diffuse bombs. The escalation from discussion to disagreement to disaster can go very fast. But it’s far from inevitable.

Podcast - The Daily Edge
Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

When tensions are high, Raul and Vivian suggest doing these things: Give your partner certainty that you are in control of yourself. Be assertive, look to God’s vision, listen to your partner for feedback.

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What Emotional Fitness means in Marriage (Emotional fitness VS. Emotional Intelligence for couples)

What Emotional Fitness means in Marriage (Emotional fitness VS. Emotional Intelligence for couples)

On this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian discuss what emotional intelligence means, not just in the abstract, but how having or not having it can affect a marriage. Having control of your money is a form of emotional fitness. Being able to make intelligent decisions with money, rather than be impulsive, or ignore purchases that “don’t count” means you have that emotional fitness. When you have two people who mix their finances, it can quickly create tension if you aren’t on the same page about money, or don’t know where the money is going at the end of the month.

Podcast - The Daily Edge
Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

Having the emotional fitness to have the awareness of how much you can risk or be able to tolerate a short term loss for a long term gain, can keep your marriage happy. A person with emotional intelligence takes responsibility, rather than try to assign blame. If you Whether with money or with your emotions, being able to be truthful with your partner makes the difference between a happy marriage and an unhappy one.

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