How we recovered from coronavirus and came back from quarantine stronger than ever

How to come back from quarantine stronger than ever

Podcast - The Daily Edge

The pandemic has impacted everyone. But not everyone has been impacted the same way. In this episode of The God, Money, and Purpose podcast, Raul and Vivian discuss the ways in which the pandemic has affected them individually, as a couple, and as business owners.

Both Vivian and Raul came down with COVID-19, and are still recovering from the illness. Vivian has had ongoing but mild symptoms, and Raul went through a severe case, but has recovered fully. 

The crisis has reminded them of or brought into focus many things that we take for granted or don’t pay enough attention to. In this episode, you will learn what this crisis has exposed for Raul and Vivian, and how they are taking this opportunity to come back even stronger.

show notes:

0:10 Intro – How to come back from quarantine stronger than ever.

2:34 The virus allows us to see what we didn’t see before

4:15 We have to surrender to the situation. Don’t argue with reality

4:57 Vivian tells what it was like to get sick with Covid-19

6:40 When things don’t go our way is when our faith is tested

8:56 What really matters?

12:58 What does unshakeable faith mean?

14:47 How can we take our lives to the next level as a family?

17:36 You need all three (God, Money, Passion)

19:25 The importance of touch

20:44 The importance of a smile

22:10 What can this pandemic expose in your life?

25:05 Men sometimes discount what women do for them and the children

26:30 The pandemic gives a new kind of intimacy in relationships

27:15 You’re stronger than you think

29:00 The power of association

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How to overcome a Victim Mentality

victim mentality podcast

How to overcome a Victim Mentality

Podcast - The Daily Edge

In this informative video, host Raul Villacis takes you through a lesson on how to avoid the victim mentality. We are going through a national crisis, and there seems like nothing but bad news on TV and social media. It’s enough to make you want to give up. But there are people out there who are taking ownership of their situation. Look at major figures in politics, and you will see that some of them are blaming others, and others are stepping up and taking ownership. You can see for yourself that the ones who are taking ownership are more respected and admired than the ones who don’t take responsibility.

There is no upside in complaining. You can blame people thousands of miles away who caused or exacerbated this crisis, but is there really any point? Instead, we have no viable option except to look at the small percentage of your life that is under your control, and expand that percentage to as close to 100% as you can. It will take a herculean effort to take responsibility when it’s so tempting to place blame, but that’s the only way to improve your life.

By watching this video, you will learn how to avoid the victim mindset by avoiding these five traps:

1- Comparing yourself to others
The moment you compare yourself to others, you lose. The only person you are competing with is you from yesterday.

2- Doubting your value.
Every time you second guess yourself, you lose certainty. Stop basing your value on what other people think.

3- Trying to please everyone
It’s impossible to please everyone. If you try, you’re only going to end up not pleasing yourself. When you bend for others you will blame them for the choices you made. That’s what happens when you start pleasing everyone else, you blame them when you’re unhappy with the results.

4- Letting your pride rob you from asking for help.
Don’t let your ego stop you from raising your hand and admitting you don’t have all the answers. Humility kills the victim mentality when you own your shit. The moment you think you’re going to do it all by yourself, you’re going to lose.

5 – Don’t be a savior unless you want to be crucified
Being a savior feels good, but eventually, you will become the victim when you don’t get the credit you think you deserve. You have to feed the King first. Instead of giving joy to others and draining yourself, fill yourself with joy until you are overflowing with it.


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What I Learned From Having Corona Virus (Covid19)

What I Learned From Having Corona Virus (Covid19)

Two weeks ago, my wife and I both got sick from COVID-19.

At the beginning my mind was trying to deny it.

I told myself I was fine, and even if I got a little sick, it wouldn’t be that bad.

It wasn’t until I went to sleep one night and I woke up with cold sweats, high fever, and I could hardly even get out of bed, that I was able to accept that I was sick.

I felt like a cinder block was on my chest, and I couldn’t breathe.

I still got up from the bed to do what I do every day. I meditated, but I couldn’t even hold my breath for that long, and I had to go back to bed. I had all the symptoms of the virus.

When this happens, your mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario.

You focus on all the negative things that could happen.

I don’t know if it was the high fever or the virus, but I had more conversations with God than ever before.

In one of the conversations, I heard God ask me “Why do you want to live? Why should I spare your life?” I said, “God, if you let me live, I promise every day I will live with purpose. I want to live because I believe I have a purpose.” I pictured my kids and my wife, and my purpose in life is to show them that a man can be knocked down, but it’s how fast that he can get up that matters.

It’s been close to 15 days since I got the symptoms, and today’s the first day that I feel like my normal self again.

I know the storm is far from over, but one thing that I’ve learned from this experience is that we are not our bodies. We are the spirit and the spirit will order the body to get stronger if we will it.

Thank all of you for your prayers, and take care of yourself.
Take this VIRUS seriously and stay home.

The worst may or may not be over, but the best is yet to come.


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SHORT FILM: Leaders were born for times like these | Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders

SHORT FILM: Leaders were born for times like these | Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders

It’s moments of CHAOS when LEADERS SHOW UP! We just completed the Next Level Leadership Summit. We talked about how to deal with the current situation and what we can do to be part of the solution. You can’t fight FEAR with FEAR. The world needs LEADERS to step up their game. Moments like these define our character. Panic and Fear won’t solve the problem. Now is the time to strengthen your faith and your body to fight FEAR. This is the STORM we have been preparing for! Now is the time to stay strong and not panic. This will not last forever and we will come out stronger.

Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders.

Go to to see if you have what it takes to get to the Next Level

How Do You Face The Death of a Loved One Together?

How Do You Face The Death of a Loved One Together?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

The death of Raul’s father, “Papi” Raul. Papi Raul had lived with muscular dystrophy for twenty years, and was told he would likely die young. At the age of 54, Papi Raul suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital over Thanksgiving weekend. Papi Raul’s heart stopped beating and started again over 15 times in the emergency room, something the doctors there had never seen before. But, although he had his entire family cheering him on, and his wife literally begging him not to go, Papi Raul taught Raul his final lesson: Fight as hard as you can, but know when it’s time to finally give up.

On this episode, Raul and Vivian talk about their experience saying goodbye to Papi Raul, and looking back fondly on the impact he made in the lives of those around him. Raul lets the audience in on how the pain of his father’s loss has already made him stronger, and how he plans to deal with that pain for the rest of his life.

If you have questions for Raul and Vivian to discuss on an upcoming episode, email Thank you for your kind support in this difficult time.

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Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment

Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment: How to achieve a higher level of consciousness

Podcast - The Daily Edge

There are stages of life that we measure chronologically. This Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment video explains the stages of life that are your levels of consciousness. The levels of consciousness closely resemble Mazlow’s hierarchy of needs. But the biggest distinction in this lesson is that it focuses not on the needs themselves, but how you experience them and how you, through your own actions, move yourself up this ladder.


0:00 Intro. These are the Levels of Consciousness

1:04 The first level is survival. This is when you’re just trying to make it through the day. Pain takes you to the next level.

2:31 Discovery is when you try different methods to see what works. This is when you start improving yourself. You do this by taking ownership of your situation in life and seeing where you can improve.

3:12 The transformation stage is the most exciting stage, but it’s also the most dangerous.
Because you can end up going in circles by learning without executing. It’s easy to hide behind the excuse that you’re waiting to learn more or waiting for the perfect moment.

4:30 How and why do we sedate our pain through each of these three stages of consciousness? In each stage of consciousness, the pain of staying in that level becomes less and less, and so the pain necessary to get to the next level has to be greater for you to feel it.

7:40 In the awakening stage, you take full ownership of your situation. This is where you can live your purpose. This stage can mean you feel your pain more clearly than before, but it also means you can find the gift in the pain and use it as fuel.

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