How Do You Face The Death of a Loved One Together?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

The death of Raul’s father, “Papi” Raul. Papi Raul had lived with muscular dystrophy for twenty years, and was told he would likely die young. At the age of 54, Papi Raul suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital over Thanksgiving weekend. Papi Raul’s heart stopped beating and started again over 15 times in the emergency room, something the doctors there had never seen before. But, although he had his entire family cheering him on, and his wife literally begging him not to go, Papi Raul taught Raul his final lesson: Fight as hard as you can, but know when it’s time to finally give up.

On this episode, Raul and Vivian talk about their experience saying goodbye to Papi Raul, and looking back fondly on the impact he made in the lives of those around him. Raul lets the audience in on how the pain of his father’s loss has already made him stronger, and how he plans to deal with that pain for the rest of his life.

If you have questions for Raul and Vivian to discuss on an upcoming episode, email Thank you for your kind support in this difficult time.

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