Is Jordan Peterson A Hero to Losers or Voice of the Voiceless?

On this episode of the King’s Code Podcast, I react to Jordan Peterson being interviewed by Piers Morgan.

Depending on who you ask, he can be a voice to the voiceless, helping men who cannot help themselves; or he is the public figure of a group of angry, horny men who can’t get dates. 

In this interview, Peterson got choked up talking about the young men who look up to him. What can we make of this man? Is it all an act? Is he a hero or a charlatan? And what can we learn about the incel movement? Is it a movement of men bringing each other up or are they holding each other down? 

Watch this video to see my reaction to this viral moment.

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5 Ways to Choose Your Enemies Wisely: Lessons from Patrick Bet-David’s New Book

We all have enemies in life. If you don’t have any enemies, it’s a sign that you aren’t working hard enough. A worthy enemy can bring out the best in you. A worthy enemy will sharpen your EDGE. A worthy enemy will help you raise your standard.

At the same time, the wrong enemy can drain your energy. You could be spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere if you waste your energy fighting the wrong enemy.

To succeed, you need to be a fearless competitor. It requires emotion and logic. Sadly, some people lose their drive to compete when they become successful. When you started your business, you did it from a place of emotion. You had a drive within you to prove that you could make it. It wasn’t a logical decision, after all, 90% of businesses fail. When you find the right enemy, you’ll work harder. An enemy will create that emotion inside of you that will help you get to the next level.

The problem is you stop competing when you become successful. When you stop competing, you become complacent. You want everyone to “get along,” and you stop looking for enemies. You are no longer the game of life to win, you are only playing not to lose. When a man plays not to lose, he loses his EDGE At this point, you are relying on logic and lack emotion.

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How to deal with the stress of the election

On this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Vivian and Raul talk about a subject that is very timely: Stress. Specifically, the stress of the election. It seems sometimes like half the country hates the other half. But the truth is, we have more in common with each other than we think.

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