Is love enough to keep a marriage together?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

Raul and Vivian celebrate 21 years of marriage this week. After all that time, the two reflect on the mistakes that they made early on in their relationship. The two were young, and made mistakes that young people make.

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Raul admits that his biggest mistake was being possessive of Vivian, who decided to lie about her whereabouts when he wasn’t around. Raul fell in love with a fiery, independent woman, but his own insecurity cooled that very fire. Raul came to realize the error of his ways and learn to let Vivian be the Amazing Queen she always was.

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Releated Post

You’ve Broken Your New Year’s Resolution Already

If you haven’t made the changes you want to make in your life, what makes you think that an arbitrary date in the calendar will make any difference?

And quite frankly, how do you intend to stick with your changes for 365 days? What’s your plan?

I don’t make resolutions every year. Instead, I break my year down into 100-day chunks. I set the intention for the next 100 days, and I review whether I’ve hit my goals for the previous 100. And then I see where I can do better in the future.

I call this living 100 days at a time. And anyone can do this.

When you live 100 days at a time, you will expand and grow exponentially. When you give yourself a deadline that is doable instead of procrastinating, you get shit done.

Here is what you must do to compound time instead of making new year’s resolutions:

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