It’s up to you to change yourself

On this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Vivian and Raul discuss the topic of change. A person needs to be in pain in order to change. More specifically, a person needs to face his pain in order to change their habits. Once a person starts on that journey of self-improvement, the question becomes: what can the other person do? The person who has taken steps to change often has a fantasy that his partner will follow the example and magically level up as well. The reality is a little more complicated.

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You have to change yourself enough and be happy with yourself enough to inspire your partner to change, but not pressure them. It may take a long time, years, even, in order for your partner to face her own pain. But the way to make lasting change is to never focus on the outcome but enjoy the journey together.

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how to develop the mindset it takes to overcome adversity

Anyone can start something…What separates those who are winning in life from those who are just getting by is the commitment to FINISH.

Most people don’t finish because they can’t face adversity.

Overcoming adversity is not a matter of knowing the answers… It’s not giving up on yourself when you have the wrong answer.

Because pushing yourself means that sometimes you’ll miss the mark.

If you want to be in flow state, you have to be at the upper limit of your abilities. You can’t find your boundaries if you don’t push them, and you’ll only know what they are when you fail.

That’s what it means to face adversity.

Having a vision is good, but the vision has to be big enough to pull you through adversity.

Otherwise, it’s not big enough.

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Rituals and Routines

On this episode, Vivian and Raul talk about rituals and routines. Life won’t give you want you want, it will give you what you’re committed to. In a relationship, you have to show up for each other consistently. Not every night is going to be a spectacular date night, often things are quite ordinary. But love is something you do, and in different ways.Having control of your money is a form of emotional fitness.

Being able to make intelligent decisions with money, rather than be impulsive, or ignore purchases that “don’t count” means you have that emotional fitness.

When you have two people who mix their finances, it can quickly create tension if you aren’t on the same page about money, or don’t know where the money is going at the end of the month.

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How to Remove the Drama from your Relationship

Do you put on the latest tabloid news, even though you know it’s pretty meaningless, but you can’t stop yourself from watching it anyway?

How about your own life? Are you attracting drama in your life?

In the latest episode God, Money & Purpose, Vivian and I dissect and deconstruct the drama. We discuss why people are drawn to it, and what they can do to avoid drama.

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