What kind of attention do you want in a relationship?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

On this episode, Raul and Vivian focus on two interrelated points. The first comes from a situation the two were recently in where the family went to the beach. Raul volunteered to get a beach umbrella, but by the time he got to the store, he kept on buying more and more things that were less and less useful. Raul explores the pattern and trigger that led him to take that action, and specifically his need for approval.

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The second point comes from a question from a viewer. The viewer feels ignored when her husband sits down and becomes a couch potato. Raul and Vivian discuss how masculine and feminine energy play into different methods of sedating yourself when you want to quiet your mind.

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Releated Post

How to Prevent Fights on Valentine’s Day

The video features Vivian and Raul hosting their podcast, discussing the importance of not just focusing on Valentine’s Day for showing love and appreciation in a relationship but emphasizing consistent effort throughout the year.

They talk about the societal pressure surrounding Valentine’s Day and how it can lead to unrealistic expectations.

The conversation covers topics like communication, understanding love languages, planning ahead for Valentine’s Day, and the significance of meaningful gestures over material gifts.

They share personal experiences and advice on how to enhance relationships, stressing the importance of attention, appreciation, and understanding each other’s needs.

The discussion also touches on the concept of sexual blueprints, the importance of playful and fun elements in a relationship, and the value of direct communication to resolve issues and misunderstandings.

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The (real) reason why you’re stuck

You’ve heard that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I believe the definition of insanity is actually KNOWING WHAT TO DO and NOT DOING IT!

I talk to men every day who are stuck. They say, “I know what I have to do. I know I have to level up. But for some reason I just don’t.”

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