How to have an Extraordinary Mind and a Badass Life with Vishen Lakhiani

Podcast - The Daily Edge

As an overachieving kid from an Indian family, Vishen had a dream job at Microsoft, but he quit when he realized it was someone else’s dream. He went on to found Mindvalley, an award-winning education movement with over millions of students worldwide.

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He wrote two best-selling books, The Code of The Extraordinary Mind, This book taught the reader how to go beyond bullshit rules that we all follow but don’t understand, and instead tap into the genius and non-conformist within ourselves; the follow up, The Buddha and the Baddass brought spiritual into work to magnify success as an entrepreneur. He’s also founded A-Fest and Mindvalley University. Today, he talks with host Raul Villacis about entrepreneurship, learning through pain, and what he’s learned along his unusual journey.


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The (real) reason why you’re stuck

You’ve heard that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I believe the definition of insanity is actually KNOWING WHAT TO DO and NOT DOING IT!

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