The Tunnel Short Film: The Stages of a Man Overcoming a Midlife Crisis

Podcast - The Daily Edge

Every man, at some point in his life, will question his path.

We feel uncertain, we question our purpose, and we don’t know where to turn.
Because as men, we’ve been conditioned, we think we have to figure out life on our own.
Some people call it a midlife crisis, I call it the tunnel.

I don’t look at it as a crisis. I see it as a gift.

Because the tunnel is a rite of passage for a man to find his purpose.

Every man must go through the tunnel in life in order to fulfil his destiny.

It’s the point in life when you realize that what defined you when you were a Warrior doesn’t define you as a man. It’s the point where you let the Warrior go so you can become a King.

In this free video training, I will break down why you are going through the tunnel, and how to break through the self-sabotaging patterns of questioning your purpose, your business and your life.

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