How to overcome a Victim Mentality | 5 Traps to avoid

Podcast - The Daily Edge

Although there is a lot about this current crisis that is beyond your control, that doesn’t stop you from taking ownership of the things that you can control, because there is no upside to complaining. In fact, the victim mentality is one of the biggest ways you can sabotage your growth. Instead of letting other people’s victim mentality dictate your behavior, you need to stand strong and remain a leader.

Here are ways to avoid the victim mentality:

1- Comparing yourself to others
The moment you compare yourself to others, you lose. The only person you are competing with is you from yesterday.

2- Doubting your value.
Every time you second guess yourself, you lose certainty. Stop basing your value on what other people think.

3- Trying to please everyone
It’s impossible to please everyone. If you try, you’re only going to end up not pleasing yourself. When you bend for others you will blame them for the choices you made. That’s what happens when you start pleasing everyone else, you blame them when you’re unhappy with the results.

4- Letting your pride rob you from asking for help.
Don’t let your ego stop you from raising your hand and admitting you don’t have all the answers. Humility kills the victim mentality when you own your shit. The moment you think you’re going to do it all by yourself, you’re going to lose.

5 – Don’t be a savior unless you want to be crucified
Being a savior feels good, but eventually, you will become the victim when you don’t get the credit you think you deserve. You have to feed the King first. Instead of giving joy to others and draining yourself, fill yourself with joy until you are overflowing with it.

The victim mentality is as contagious and dangerous as any virus. Playing the victim card is easy. Leading and taking ownership is hard. The only way to find the solution is to take responsibility. There is zero upside to being a victim.

You were made for times like this. This is when you rise up and become the leader you were meant to be.

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