Anger, Sadness, and Hope. The Message of The Sound of Freedom

Anger, Sadness, and Hope. The Message of The Sound of Freedom

On this episode of God, Money & Sex, we are talking about a very heavy topic today. We are discussing the movie The Sound of Freedom, which is a movie about child sex trafficking. This is a very popular movie, which surprised many, given its intense subject matter. Raul and Vivian were, like everyone who saw it, touched by the message of this true story about Tim Ballard, who founded Operation Underground Railroad, and how he went from arresting predators to saving children directly. While it may seem hopeless at first to fight such evil in the world, there are things you can do. You can support anti-trafficking organizations, and you can protect your daughters and teach your sons. This is an episode that may make you angry, but you should watch this episode, and watch the movie in theaters.

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The 5 Stages of a Relationship.

The 5 Stages of a Relationship.

On this episode of the podcast, Raul and Vivian discuss the 5 stages of a relationship, and the positive and negative feelings that you go through when you are in that stage: 

The infatuation stage is when you have that obsession, that neediness, that feeling that you can’t live without your partner. (Sometimes called “puppy love.”) A possible downside to this is that you become needy, and some relationships can’t survive if one partner is controlling and insecure. 

The honeymoon stage is when you don’t see anything wrong with your partner. You often overlook flaws in your partner, and unintentionally encourage unhealthy behavior by not being honest about your partner’s flaws. This can seem like the best time in a relationship, and couples often chase that feeling of the honeymoon stage, without realizing that the deeper love in the stages to follow is crucial to a long term relationship.  

The dissolution stage is also called the “reality check.” After overlooking your partner’s flaws in the honeymoon stage, you now acknowledge those flaws. It can be a real downer to have to confront the truth about your partner, and often your own disappointment is projected onto your partner. This is where your love is tested and you have to have the real and raw conversations.

The reevaluation stage is when you ask yourself if you’re going to be with this person for the rest of your life. It leads directly to the next stage (or doesn’t).

The commitment stage is where you go all in. You become aware of what you’re bringing into the relationship so that you can enhance each other’s lives. You want to grow old together, rather than chase the feeling of the beginning of a relationship. From that place, you can build a vision together.

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Strengthening Your Bond: Building Confidence in Your Relationship

Lessons From Teaching

On this episode of God, Money & Sex, we talk about the lessons we’ve learned from teaching.

Recently, Vivian went on a trip to Ecuador to see her family, specifically her grandmother. It was a very tough trip because she knew her grandmother was sick, and she needed to be there for her before it was too late.

Raul shares his own experience with his Grandfather passing away, and then they transition from there to building confidence in a relationship when your partner is in pain.

Ultimately, every life experience that Raul or Vivian can have, good or bad, makes them better at understanding the experiences that their clients’ face. Because we are all more alike than we are different. These painful experiences will help Raul or Vivian be able to guide their clients when they are facing their own losses.

Plus, as a bonus, you’ll get three rules for men that will make it easier to be in a healthy relationship.

Click on this link for the latest episode of God, Money & Sex!

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How do you know you are in a Toxic Relationship?

How do you know you are in a Toxic Relationship?

In this episode, Raul and Vivian discuss toxic relationships, drawing on their personal experience of being married for 24 years. They candidly share how their own relationship was once toxic, despite having feelings of love and affection for each other.

Raul and Vivian stress that having proper communication, commitment, connection, and certainty is what makes a good relationship. In contrast, a relationship full of criticism, lack of trust, and isolation make for a toxic relationship. However, they also hope, sharing their own experience, of overcoming a toxic relationship together. If you are in a toxic relationship, you can also shift and create a lasting bond in a healthy way if both partners are willing to put in the work.

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Why Are Women so ANGRY!?

Why Are Women so ANGRY!?

Gallop polls in the last 10 years have shown a trend that females are more angry than they were 10 years ago.

Why is that?

On this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian discuss possible reasons why.

Our take on it is that women are pushed to embrace the masculine side by hustle culture, and the problem is exacerbated by attracting weak men with that masculine energy. 

As a result, women have more and more responsibility on their shoulders, and don’t get to tap into that more feminine energy inside them. 

That leads to frustration and a feeling of hopelessness. 

What can women do to embrace their feminine energy in a demanding world? And what can men do to support them? 

Watch this episode to find out.

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How AI Can Affect Human Relationships

How AI Can Affect Human Relationships

On this episode of the God, Money & Purpose Podcast, Raul and Vivian discuss artificial intelligence – AI – and the potential it has to either benefit or take over our lives. 

It took only a week for the chatbot ChatGPT to get a million users. ChatGPT uses the entire internet as a database to write sentences that appear, at least at first glance, to be written by a human, not a program. 

Like all tools, AI can be used for good or ill, or it can end up using you. Can robots learn to love before they learn to kill? Click here to watch this episode for our take.

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