What I Learned From Having Corona Virus (Covid19)

Two weeks ago, my wife and I both got sick from COVID-19.

At the beginning my mind was trying to deny it.

I told myself I was fine, and even if I got a little sick, it wouldn’t be that bad.

It wasn’t until I went to sleep one night and I woke up with cold sweats, high fever, and I could hardly even get out of bed, that I was able to accept that I was sick.

I felt like a cinder block was on my chest, and I couldn’t breathe.

I still got up from the bed to do what I do every day. I meditated, but I couldn’t even hold my breath for that long, and I had to go back to bed. I had all the symptoms of the virus.

When this happens, your mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario.

You focus on all the negative things that could happen.

I don’t know if it was the high fever or the virus, but I had more conversations with God than ever before.

In one of the conversations, I heard God ask me “Why do you want to live? Why should I spare your life?” I said, “God, if you let me live, I promise every day I will live with purpose. I want to live because I believe I have a purpose.” I pictured my kids and my wife, and my purpose in life is to show them that a man can be knocked down, but it’s how fast that he can get up that matters.

It’s been close to 15 days since I got the symptoms, and today’s the first day that I feel like my normal self again.

I know the storm is far from over, but one thing that I’ve learned from this experience is that we are not our bodies. We are the spirit and the spirit will order the body to get stronger if we will it.

Thank all of you for your prayers, and take care of yourself.
Take this VIRUS seriously and stay home.

The worst may or may not be over, but the best is yet to come.


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