Short Film: How businessmen create a FEARLESS MINDSET

Podcast - The Daily Edge

How do you create a fearless mindset to become the storm?

It’s easy to stay comfortable. It’s easy to dust yourself off and pat yourself on the back.

But the hard part is what comes next.

2020 was just a taste of what is going to happen in 2021 and beyond.

Now is the time to build the foundation, and double down on yourself.

So you can fight back.

So you can lead.

So you can live your purpose.

The question for you is….are you ready to become the storm?

Are you willing to do what it takes to become the storm?

Are you able to face your pain and become the storm?

If so, click on the link below for an invitation to the Next Level Virtual Leadership Summit 2021, and to find out more about the 100 day challenge to find your next level. 

Click here to learn more about the Next Level Virtual Leadership Summit


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how to develop the mindset it takes to overcome adversity

Anyone can start something…What separates those who are winning in life from those who are just getting by is the commitment to FINISH.

Most people don’t finish because they can’t face adversity.

Overcoming adversity is not a matter of knowing the answers… It’s not giving up on yourself when you have the wrong answer.

Because pushing yourself means that sometimes you’ll miss the mark.

If you want to be in flow state, you have to be at the upper limit of your abilities. You can’t find your boundaries if you don’t push them, and you’ll only know what they are when you fail.

That’s what it means to face adversity.

Having a vision is good, but the vision has to be big enough to pull you through adversity.

Otherwise, it’s not big enough.

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