How to live your life 100 days at a time to create a successful plan to achieve greatness

How to live your life 100 days at a time to create a successful plan to achieve greatness

How do you set goals for yourself? How do you achieve? What is the system that you can use to get more done in 100 days than most people do in a year.

I live Iife 100 days at a time.

For years, I’ve lived my life this way, and its the basis for The Next Level Experience.

We underestimate what we can do in a day. We underestimate what we can do in 100 days. We even underestimate what we can do in 10 years!

If we play The Game for 100 days at a time, ten years is 30 games.

Thirty. That’s all.

Most people fail because they don’t have the push and the pull.

The pull is the big vision: Who do you want to be in 10 years. 25 years. 50 years. When you’re 100 years old, and looking back at your life, what do you want to see? The vision has to be so big that it scares you.

And the push is the process. One day at a time. 100 days at a time. Measuring your progress ever day and celebrating the base hits.

Here is how to create a 100 day plan that will give you the push and the pull you need:

1- Start with the big picture.
What’s the big vision? What will your life look like in 25 years? You want to have a legacy that will set your grandchildren up for success. What does one year look like? What does 10 years look like? Start stretching the vision. Imagine what you will look like when you are 100 years old.

The first step is to start with the big picture; it can’t be money, it has to be impact. Who will be impacted by the decisions you make in the next 100 days? Who is looking up to you?
It takes practice to expand your vision for 50+ years. The more you practice your ritual, the clearer your vision is going to get.

2- Reverse engineer
Every time I see my 100-year old self, I see him as strong, and having left a legacy, and I’m constantly reverse-engineering what I have to do to become him. What are the opportunities available now, or that I need to create that will get me to that place?

The job of a leader is to create opportunities. If there are no opportunities available to create the vision you want, then you have to create them. What is stopping you from taking advantage of the opportunities?

What do I need to START doing?
What do I need to STOP doing?
What do I need to KEEP doing?

10 years ago, I didn’t have the Next Level Experience, so I needed to continue to look for opportunities to create an impact. I needed to stop doubting myself. I lost opportunities because I doubted myself; I just thought of myself as a real estate agent. I needed to continue to my growth.

3- Set clear outcomes
Set measurable and achievable outcomes. We can’t set a goal that is unattainable, but it also can’t be so easy that you don’t push yourself out of your comfort zone in order to do it. Don’t complicate this shit. Create measurable outcomes for the next 100 days and what you can do to accomplish them. Create 3 outcomes, don’t overdo it.

4- Set up a consequence.
Most people don’t set a consequence if they fail. Whatever your goal is, there is always a price to pay for doing it, and a price to pay for not doing it. Set up a consequence to create leverage when you don’t feel like doing the work. When you don’t feel like showing up, the consequences will give you leverage. The consequences need to be painful enough that it will get you to take action.

5- Determine the reward
Your mind needs to know that there is a reason for the chaos. You may be going 100 miles per hour, and you have to know you’re going somewhere. If you stop dreaming you stop pushing yourself. Feed the king so he doesn’t become the sedated warrior. Measure your progress daily. Celebrate your wins every chance you get. If you’re only grinding it out and never celebrating your wins, you won’t enjoy the process.

You can be someone’s excuse not to work, or someone’s inspiration.

Choose to be the inspiration

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join my text community by sending a message to: (203) 405 – 9199

What you can do to support your spouse when he wants to GROW

What you can do to support your spouse when he wants to GROW

Podcast - The Daily Edge

If you’re reading this, there’s a very good chance that you are in the personal development world.

Do you want to grow, but don’t know what to say to your wife? Do you want her to encourage you without nagging you?

This episode of God, Money & Purpose podcast focuses on growth.

It’s uncommon that both partners will grow at the same time. In order to grow, one partner must focus on himself or herself and then encourage the other to grow, but you can’t force it.

You have to set the table, but you can’t make them eat. 

You have to feed yourself to have the energy to serve others.

It isn’t easy being married to an entrepreneur.

But if you watch this video, you’ll learn how to make it just a little easier.

Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

Follow Vivian Villacis:

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do you have any questions for us? then Join us in our next live q&a podcast.

Brandon Dawson on how to 10X Your Business, The Indicator You’re 1 Step Away From Wealth

Brandon Dawson on how to 10X Your Business, The Indicator You’re 1 Step Away From Wealth

Brandon Dawson has done it all.

His story is incredible.

He’s made and lost millions, married and divorced, worked in an analog world of phone books
and atlases and in the digital world of Google and Salesforce.

On the first episode of The King’s Code Podcast, I interviewed Brandon about his incredible life story, and asked him to share some of the lessons that everyone can use if you are looking to 10x your life.

Brandon doesn’t just share his life story, he will also share some of the lessons he’s learned along the way that YOU can use to 10x your life.

You’ll hear about how he started selling hearing aids by going from town to town and looking up the Yellow Pages. Remember them?

Why he left a secure commission sales position and sold everything to start over.

The 3 T’s and 4 A’s of sales

And why he teamed with Grant Cardone.

Don’t forget to like and subscribe, and leave your comments on the video as well. You don’t want to miss this one!

Go to to buy my book and learn how to get THE EDGE
and go to to register for our next live/streaming event.


I’d love to hear your feedback,
join my text community by sending a message to: (203) 405 – 9199

What Married Couples Can Learn From Will Smith’s Oscars Slap

What Married Couples Can Learn From Will Smith’s Oscars Slap

Podcast - The Daily Edge

Why did Will Smith slap Chris Rock?

Was it because of the darkness inside of him, or maybe because Jada gave him the “off with his head” look?

Even someone like Will Smith can go backward, from a King to a Warrior. (Or maybe a sedated warrior?).

Was this infamous moment an act of protection or was it a reflection of the uncertainty he feels in the relationship after feeling humiliated that she cheated on him?

On this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian Villacis offer their take on why Smith acted the way he did from a place of understanding rather than judgment.

Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify


Follow Vivian Villacis:

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do you have any questions for us? then Join us in our next live q&a podcast.

(Training) How to create a Daily ritual to reprogram your mind

The 5 steps to continue to grow

In life, you always get more of what you focus on

What are you focusing on? Are you even aware of it?

This is the question that too many men can’t bring themselves to ask. Because they don’t want to admit how much of life truly is within their control. It’s easier to act like life is pushing you against your will than it is to take complete ownership of your life.

If you want to learn, this video will show you.

This ritual will give you the tools you need to develop your emotional fitness every day,

Watch this video and take notes to get the most out of it. And do it every day to see the results.

This is not woo, there is scientific evidence to every step of this (which you can read in my book, The King’s Code).

Click on the link below to watch this ritual, it can change your life.


Go to to buy my book and learn how to get THE EDGE
and go to to register for our next live/streaming event.


I’d love to hear your feedback,
join my text community by sending a message to: (203) 405 – 9199

What makes a good relationship?

What makes a good relationship?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

After several months off, Vivian and I have begun the new season of God Money & Purpose. On this show, we give our unique perspective on how to become a power couple.

It’s not enough to be successful in business, if you aren’t performing at a high level in every area of your life, you will not feel fulfilled.

Also Available on Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

In order to be a power couple, you and your wife must have a continuous cycle of growing separately and growing together.

On the God, Money & Purpose podcast, you can learn from our experience how to do that.

Follow Vivian Villacis:

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do you have any questions for us? then Join us in our next live q&a podcast.