The 4 Biggest Lies That Hold You Back

The 4 Biggest Lies That Hold You Back

Podcast - The Daily Edge

You want to go to the next level.

That’s a great first step.

You see where you need improvement. You start to change your behavior. You start to take risks in your business.

But then…

The risks don’t pay off.

And your behavior starts to slide back to how it was before.

And you haven’t levelled up, no matter how hard you’ve tried.

But here’s the thing: You’re sabotaging yourself without knowing it.

You haven’t done what you think you’ve done.

Every time we want to go to the next level, a little voice in our head stops us.

It’s an unconscious pattern.

And the first step to stopping those patterns is to recognize them.

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Here are the LIES that the imposter inside of us telling us:
1: “I know what to do but I don’t do it.”

2: “I’ve tried everything, but it just wasn’t meant to be.”

3: I’m supposed to be further ahead in life by now.”

4: “I will be happy one day.”

If you are looking to learn the system and the process that it takes to become stronger than that nagging voice in your head, you need to attend the Next Level Leadership Summit. This is where leaders come together to share the knowledge that helps them maintain their health, family bonds, and spiritual connection, while running 6-,7, and even 8-figure businesses.

Click on the link below to find out more about the Next Level Leadership Summit 2021.


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(Keynote) Make your goals SMARTER with Doctor Eric Cole

(Keynote) Make your goals SMARTER with Doctor Eric Cole

Podcast - The Daily Edge

These are some of the many important phrases you will start using after you watch this keynote from cybersecurity expert Dr. Eric Cole. Dr. Cole, founder of Secure Anchor, has decades of experience in cybersecurity, and his clients include Barack Obama and Bill Gates.

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But this keynote address is not about just cybersecurity, it’s about the habits that made him one of the best in the world at what he does. If you learn from and emulate his habits, it can make you one of the best in the world at what you do as well.

Show Notes:

00:00 Introduction: Who is Dr. Eric Cole, and how do you protect yourself from cyberattacks?
1:00 Why could no one run a 4 minute mile?
2:53 Your limited beliefs are in your subconscious mind
3:30 The Next Level App
3:53 In order to see your limited beliefs, have a 3rd party perspective
5:14 Other people can help you see better than you can
7:00 Is the app a tool or a weapon?
7:12 The meditation ritual grounds you when you write your journal
7:51 In 1996, the British Crew (rowing) team put the worst in the 8-person boat
8:55 In 1998, they decided to focus only on winning gold
10:15 “Does it make the boat go faster?”
11:05 Limited beliefs will limit your success
11:27 My one goal this year, and it is SMARTER
11:50 Most people are so focused on the goal they neglect everything else
12:28 All of your goals must compliment each other
14:27 Your mind is a magic genie
15:30 “Baking the pie”
17:55 Your purpose is what you do with the most ease or better than anyone else
18:10 What if Marie Callender talked herself out of it?
18:25 What is the pie that you need to bake?
18:40 Purpose vs. Passion
19:16 Why cybersecurity is my purpose
20:24 Nobody warned us how dangerous cell phones can be
21:26 Why your small company will be attacked in the next 12 months
23:06 Takeaway 1: Turn on 2FA
23:55 Takeaway 2: Use an up-to-date OS on a separate device than your home computer
24:42 Takeaway 3: Stay away from the “F” word
28:04 Takeaway 4: Turn on all of your safety features
29:30 Takeaway 5: Email and web browsers are your biggest vulnerabilities. Use 2 devices


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Is your relationship forcing you to change your habits?

Is your relationship forcing you to change your habits?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

On this episode, Raul and Vivian answer the question, what do you do if you want to change and improve, and your partner doesn’t?

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his is an issue that Raul and Vivian had to deal with in their relationship when Raul started his personal development journey. At first, Vivian was content to just watch him, but eventually, he set an example for her to follow, and she began to take a deeper interest in personal development in her own way. Does this advice scale, or did it only work for Raul and Vivian? The only way to know for sure is to watch this show.

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do you have any questions for us? then Join us in our next live q&a podcast.

Mastermind Groups: 5 Things to consider and what to expect | Mastermind groups for Entrepreneurs

Mastermind Groups: 5 Things to consider and what to expect | Mastermind groups for Entrepreneurs

Podcast - The Daily Edge

One of the things I’m proudest of is helping to create a community. The thing that makes the biggest difference in people’s lives is their community. Your community dictates how far you go in life – it will either empower you or keep you down.

💼 Find your Code to the EDGE:

It’s in our DNA to be part of a community. Our primal need is to be part of a tribe. We want to be part of a tribe so much that we are sometimes willing to betray our values to be accepted.

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The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of your community. You have to ask yourself who you are being influenced by to predict what sort of life you will have. If you are in a toxic community, it will be impossible for you to thrive; if you are in an empowering environment, it will be impossible for you to fail.

5 things to look for in a community that will empower you:

1- Standards.
Get around people who will raise your standards. If you are around people who will let you play small, you will never thrive. The only way to become a bigger player is to be around those who hold you to a higher standard. If your community doesn’t inspire you to go outside your comfort zone and grow, that community is keeping you in a box.

Your results are a reflection of your standards. You will never get results if you are not committed to following through. If you want to change something in your life, raise your standards. But you need to have people around you who will hold you to high standards.

2- Trust
Knowing that you can count on others will give you CERTAINTY. At the same time, if you have nobody you can trust, it will be harder for you to overcome your challenges. But trust is a two-way street; you have to give in order to receive. You have to keep your word.

3- Vision
Is there a vision that you can align with? What is the vision of the community and how can you get behind it? Can you see the impact you can make long-term? If your vision is not so big that it scares you, it’s not big enough.

4- Value
Just like trust, value is a two-way street. You have to give value to the community in order to receive it. You have to do more for others than you’re willing to do for yourself. If you’re hurting, the best way to heal is to heal others. If you have a challenge, the best way to solve it is to help someone else solve their challenges. Sometimes you can’t see outside of your challenges; a new perspective may fix that. When you help someone else, you sharpen your edge. When you see someone else’s problems, you realize that yours are not that big.

5- Faith
Is your community increasing your faith in people? The news today always highlights how bad people are, but I believe that there are more good people out there than bad. But we don’t highlight the good things people do. The moment that you’re part of a community that increased your faith in people, you realize that more people will help you than take advantage of you.


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It’s Halftime Game | 4 Strategies to create a Quarterly Plan

It's Halftime Game | 4 Strategies to create a Quarterly Plan

Podcast - The Daily Edge

We’re at half time! Which play are you going to run? Anybody can be excited at the beginning of the journey, but can you be consistent until the end? It’s easy to start something, hard to stick with it. That’s what makes the difference between the people who make shit happen and the people who are hoping and wishing things would get better.

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4 Strategies to create a Quarterly Plan:

1. Don’t worry about the score
2. Disrupt and stabilize
3. Innovate and expand
4. Recommit to your vision


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Celebrate How Far You’ve Come

Celebrate How Far You’ve Come

In this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian talk about the importance of celebrating your wins. Vivian has recently completed putting on her 6 Day Queens’ Challenge, and Raul has recently finished his own Get Your Edge Back Challenge. As teachers, the two have come so far in the years since they started their respective personal development journeys.

Podcast - The Daily Edge

This would not have been possible without celebrating the base hits along the way, rather than focusing on home runs that are few and far between. Watch this episode to see what Raul and Vivian have been doing since the last episode.

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do you have any questions for us? then Join us in our next live q&a podcast.