Gerard Adams: The key to becoming a conscious leader

Gerard Adams: The key to becoming a conscious leader

Podcast - The Daily Edge

Gerard Adams, founder of the Elite Daily and Leaders Create Leaders, joins us today on The Daily Edge. Gerard’s story parallels Raul’s in many ways. He was a successful entrepreneur, made a ton of money, lost a ton of money, regrouped, and then at the moment of his biggest comeback, realized that it was all for nothing if he didn’t look deep inside himself and find his purpose.

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In this interview, Gerard shares his journey from young millionaire to millennial leader. You’ll hear how his family brought out the best in him. You’ll learn about the three mountains, the four stages, and the five H’s. If you want to learn how to finish 2020 strong, watch this interview on The Daily Edge with Raul Villacis.


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The 3 mistakes too many men make in relationships

The 3 mistakes too many men make in relationships

Podcast - The Daily Edge

On today’s episode of God, Money & Purpose, Vivian takes the gloves off and hits Raul with the three mistakes that men commonly make in relationships. Instead of getting defensive, men should take this opportunity to get feedback from life, and grow from it.

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Mistake 1: Confusing intimacy with quality time. Raul admits that when he and Vivian are snuggled together on the couch watching a horror movie, he views it as an intimate experience. But what he doesn’t realize is that Vivian isn’t taking any of that as intimate, and instead views it as just another activity. Often, Raul will be physically present with Vivian in a romantic setting, but be checking his phone every two minutes. To be truly intimate, go beyond physical intimacy and pay full attention to each other.

Mistake 2: Not understanding your partner’s love language. The Five Love Languages is a concept from Gary Chapman in his book of the same title. Each of us speak to each other in one of those languages, and not interpreting what your partner is saying to you is a mistake couples make in a relationship. Communicate with each other what your specific love language is so your partner can be attuned to it.

Mistake 3: Never changing. Raul and Vivian have been together for over 20 years. What worked for them 20 years ago isn’t necessarily going to work now. You have to be willing to go beyond your comfort zone to not be the partner you are now, but to continually evolve and become the partner you need to be.

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Podcast - The Daily Edge

My training this week was about the levels of consciousness, because leadership is a conscious choice.

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When you ask God, or look inside yourself, for the ability to lead, that is already raising your consciousness. But in order to lead, you need to have a higher version of yourself.


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How to end the summer strong

How to end the summer strong

Podcast - The Daily Edge

It may seem hard to believe, but summer is over, and it’s already September.

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This summer has felt like a roller coaster ride, and it’s time to start thinking about how to end the summer strong. If you want to strengthen your relationship, connection with God, and your business, you must learn how to communicate.

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How to have an Extraordinary Mind and a Badass Life with Vishen Lakhiani

How to have an Extraordinary Mind and a Badass Life with Vishen Lakhiani

Podcast - The Daily Edge

As an overachieving kid from an Indian family, Vishen had a dream job at Microsoft, but he quit when he realized it was someone else’s dream. He went on to found Mindvalley, an award-winning education movement with over millions of students worldwide.

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He wrote two best-selling books, The Code of The Extraordinary Mind, This book taught the reader how to go beyond bullshit rules that we all follow but don’t understand, and instead tap into the genius and non-conformist within ourselves; the follow up, The Buddha and the Baddass brought spiritual into work to magnify success as an entrepreneur. He’s also founded A-Fest and Mindvalley University. Today, he talks with host Raul Villacis about entrepreneurship, learning through pain, and what he’s learned along his unusual journey.


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The 4 Pillars Framework of Emotional Intelligence

The 4 Pillars Framework of Emotional Intelligence

The 4 Pillars Framework of Emotional Intelligence

Podcast - The Daily Edge

It’s easy to say you want to make an impact. But you’ll never make an impact unless you create a foundation for lasting results. Without one, any challenge will knock you off your path.

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Here are the 4 Pillars Framework of Emotional Intelligence:

  1. Practice daily. Mastery never comes from doing something once, it takes a lifetime of work. You must do the work on a daily basis, and that will create discipline. Discipline is superior to motivation.
  2. Set the intention. Without the intention, you are attached to the outcome. If you have a clear why you can be flexible when conditions change.
  3. Be open to innovation. Change is inevitable. There is no way to go back to the way things were. But there is opportunity if you’re willing to test and grow. If you stop innovating, you stop growing.
  4. Focus on impact. The bigger the impact, the bigger the challenge. Ask yourself who will suffer if I don’t pay the price? Put a face on the person who will pay the price if you don’t innovate, then you have a reason why. If you focus on yourself, there’s a limited amount of energy you can draw from; if you focus on others, there is an unlimited amount of energy.

Life will not give you more than you’re willing to give life. Focus on how to serve others; If the intention is to serve then you’ve already won. Put the work in every day and you will see results.


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