How to Stop Negative Self-Talk

The mind has a habit of always seeing the negative.

It sees the ways you’ve failed, all the things you don’t have, all the reasons why you aren’t enough.

I get asked, “How do I break the habit of negative thinking?”

Here is what I say:

Have you ever been to a funeral?

We all have.

When a person gives a eulogy, they talk about all the great things the person has done in their lives.

People remember the good, not the bad, once you’re dead.

Every day, I believe you should have a funeral for the man you once were. Every day, you can do the daily ritual to R.I.P the man you were yesterday, so you can focus on the positive and learn the lessons to become the person you need to become today.

There is zero upside in focusing on the failures.

Every day, you have to be reborn.
Every day, you have to focus on who you are becoming and let go of the man you were yesterday.

Pay attention to your negative self-talk.
Are you focusing on the things you wish you had, wish you did, and wish you didn’t do? Or are you focusing on who you are becoming in this process?

Who do you have to become to live with purpose, lead with power, and create an impact?

The version of you right now may not have the capacity…but who you are becoming has all the capacity you need to fulfill your mission on this earth.

Knowing that we’re our worst critics, we have to learn to let go, stop the negative self-talk, and begin to speak life into our vision.

Let go of what doesn’t serve you and focus on who you’re becoming.

Go to to buy my book and learn how to get THE EDGE

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