The Importance of Taking Care of Yourself & Adventure in Your Relationship

The Importance of Taking Care of Yourself & Adventure in Your Relationship

Podcast - The Daily Edge

Coming to you live from Turks and Caicos Island, Raul and Vivian take a break from their anniversary vacation to bring you this episode of God, Money & Purpose. Raul and Vivian have been married for 21 years. Their relationship is more connected than ever.

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So how did they go from two crazy kids full of hormones and dreams to a King and Queen with a deep spiritual connection? The two share with the audience what it takes to keep a marriage full of fun, adventure, and surprise. This episode also includes a video tribute that Raul made for Vivian to celebrate their anniversary. If you want to know how to keep a marriage going for 21 years and beyond, be sure to watch this episode of God, Money & Purpose.

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The 3 mistakes too many men make in relationships

The 3 mistakes too many men make in relationships

Podcast - The Daily Edge

On today’s episode of God, Money & Purpose, Vivian takes the gloves off and hits Raul with the three mistakes that men commonly make in relationships. Instead of getting defensive, men should take this opportunity to get feedback from life, and grow from it.

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Mistake 1: Confusing intimacy with quality time. Raul admits that when he and Vivian are snuggled together on the couch watching a horror movie, he views it as an intimate experience. But what he doesn’t realize is that Vivian isn’t taking any of that as intimate, and instead views it as just another activity. Often, Raul will be physically present with Vivian in a romantic setting, but be checking his phone every two minutes. To be truly intimate, go beyond physical intimacy and pay full attention to each other.

Mistake 2: Not understanding your partner’s love language. The Five Love Languages is a concept from Gary Chapman in his book of the same title. Each of us speak to each other in one of those languages, and not interpreting what your partner is saying to you is a mistake couples make in a relationship. Communicate with each other what your specific love language is so your partner can be attuned to it.

Mistake 3: Never changing. Raul and Vivian have been together for over 20 years. What worked for them 20 years ago isn’t necessarily going to work now. You have to be willing to go beyond your comfort zone to not be the partner you are now, but to continually evolve and become the partner you need to be.

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What kind of attention do you want in a relationship?

What kind of attention do you want in a relationship?

Podcast - The Daily Edge

On this episode, Raul and Vivian focus on two interrelated points. The first comes from a situation the two were recently in where the family went to the beach. Raul volunteered to get a beach umbrella, but by the time he got to the store, he kept on buying more and more things that were less and less useful. Raul explores the pattern and trigger that led him to take that action, and specifically his need for approval.

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The second point comes from a question from a viewer. The viewer feels ignored when her husband sits down and becomes a couch potato. Raul and Vivian discuss how masculine and feminine energy play into different methods of sedating yourself when you want to quiet your mind.

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How to survive the storms in your life and your relationship

How to survive the storms in your life and your relationship

Podcast - The Daily Edge

In this episode of God, Money & Purpose, Raul and Vivian are in from the storm. During the recent hurricane that swept Connecticut, a tree fell right into their pool. They were fortunate, because the damage was only property, and no one was hurt, even though they were startled by the crash.

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So, for the time being, where they lay their head is home, wherever they have each other and their children is home. The storm, in a literal sense, gives them an opportunity to reflect on the metaphorical storms in our life that we face constantly. The storm is strong, and so we must be stronger than the storm.

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